4 Creative Ways Venezuelans Survived the Economic Collapse

4 Creative Ways Venezuelans Survived the Economic Collapse by J.G Martinez for The Organic Prepper

Venezuelans who chose (or had to), for whatever reason, to stay put in Venezuela had to endure somehow the circumstances resulting from the collapse. How those Venezuelans survived the economic collapse might serve as inspiration for you. After interviewing several brave childhood friends from my hometown, I compiled the following experiences on how they have protected themselves, their savings, and their belongings.

Below I disclose the advantages and disadvantages of each one of the critical elements Venezuelans used to enable their protection. 

4 Creative Ways Venezuelans Survived the Economic Collapse

Disclaimer: this is not advice.

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Each of these worked for the sort of collapsed economy around here. Maybe in your neighborhood, it is very different. For instance, real estate in the middle of New York City could look appealing to some investors. However, the average prepper would surely choose some other place, 95% of the time. (I’d love to hear your comments on this one.)

I have documented this collapse and described how my countrymen have intuitively protected their patrimony (property) with as much detail as I can.

The ways these Venezuelans survived the economic collapse are as follows.

# 1 Vehicles

Contrary to other countries, in Venezuela, new cars are no longer available to the public. No vehicles are being assembled. The mafia seizing power dictated that new cars leaving the lines were only for the elite. To constantly publicly humiliate us, they wiped out the concept of the middle class to instate the “poor people revolution.”

For a “revolutionary” establishment seeking to impoverish people, the ability to buy a new car would symbolize the middle class getting ahead with hard work. This concept would lead to undesirable consequences for that establishment because poverty would be the only means of control and subjugation. 

Why is buying a used car in Venezuela better than a new one?

Well, the average Venezuelan has to learn a lot about how a car works. Services like AAA or tow truck services are no longer available. Meaning that if you get stranded in the middle of nowhere, no one will go there unless it’s a VERY good friend.

Although everyone loves a new car, crime is such that it’s not generally a good idea. The black market for brand new original parts is craving for new vehicles. Even some well-cared cars are in jeopardy even if they’re not new. Therefore, better to opt for a used car and keep it well maintained. Usually, the owner will sell the vehicle for the same price they paid upon purchase. Meaning the wear and tear cost is absorbed by the new owner. In general, this is something that is not usually negotiable. 

Venezuelans do not bargain. Or try to avoid it for some reason. My countrymen don’t like someone else thinking they are “poor.” However, most of us fail in that category, income-wise. People I know buy damaged cars, investing a few hundred, and reselling them at a profit. But these are highly skilled mechanics, usually with a garage large enough to keep two cars for sale while fixing two or even three other vehicles.

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